Thursday 25 August 2011

How to ask for direction to the school ?

Today when we were walking up to Mt Eden, a woman was asking for directions to go to the school that she wanted to go to.  She said, “Do you know where is Epsom School?”  We asked her which school but she did not tell us.  We just told her that there are two schools, a primary school and an intermediate school.  If you want to go up it is the intermediate and if you go down there it is the primary. (Photo: RA)

Friday 19 August 2011

Buy a coffee for a stranger on day

There is now an innovative twist on the ‘pay it forward’ concept.  It has been set to hit Auckland cafes on May 18 to promote fair trade in the developing countries.  Behind the Pay Forward tread Day is the brainchild of Auckland University students who are Rennie Qin and Soyeon Lim.  The way how the concept works is when a customer goes into a cafe and buys a coffee he/she will have to leave it as a gift for the next person. 
Ms Qin says that has created a domino effect.  She believes this experiment will be a huge hit success with the kiwis because they are such a fun loving and generous kind of people. (Photo: NMG)

Thursday 11 August 2011

The Story of the little red maple leaf

These past few days we saw a little red maple leaf on the steps of ANI’s between the lower field and the upper field.  It just stays there and moves when the wind blows it or moved by people’s feet or animals’ feet.  This little red maple leaf has been staying there now for a few days.  There are also lots of other leaves all lying on the grounds and in the grass everywhere.
In the school, the leaves have same and different kind of leaves of same or different sizes. (Photo: RA)

Saturday 6 August 2011

Seeing the two Eastern Rosellas

We know these two Eastern Rosellas (Little Red Heads) ever since they were baby parrots.  These two parrots have now grown from baby to mature birds.  This Saturday, Sunday and Monday today, we saw these two birds for three continuous days nonstop this year in 2011. 

Today we saw them once in the morning and again once in the afternoon.  We saw them for years and then not see them for a year.  Now they have come back. They sometimes stay here and eat a while and fly away but most of the time they stay here to eat for so long before they fly away and leave here.  We do not know how many meals they have each day.  We guess that they must eat two or more meals a day. 
Now we call them red heads because the colour of their heads is red and also they are one of the favourites of birds. (Photo: RA & NMG)